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3 января, 2008

Обзор крупнейших сделок с участием казахстанских компаний

Риза Абдурашитов Нехватка ликвидности порождает множество предпосылок для покупок банков, однако существует высокое ценовое ожидание [...]


3 января, 2008


 Подготовила Алия Султанова Бахытжан Абдраимов назначен руководителем представительства президента в парламенте РК и освобожден от [...]


14 декабря, 2007

Имеют ли СМИ влияние на процессы, происходящие в стране?

Подготовила Алия Султанова Один из отцов-основателей Америки Томас Джефферсон, жестко придерживавшийся принципа свободы выражения [...]


6 ноября, 2007

How will amending the “law on subsoil resources and use of subsoil resources” affect the investment image of our country?

This law project will not affect the investment image of Kazakhstan. We have closely studied the legislation of other countries before [...]


6 ноября, 2007

Scarce political menu

Dosym Satpaev It is hard to say that last month was as full of interesting political events as shashlik is full of juicy meat. The main [...]


6 ноября, 2007

Pleasant,but expensive

We asked Petr Svoik, the well-known economist whose economical forecasts frequently (and unfortunately) come true and the person who [...]


6 ноября, 2007

Yesterday — Three. Today — Five. Why?

What are the reasons for the inflation currently in Kazakhstan? What role have external factors played in this inflationary [...]


6 ноября, 2007

Rely on reforms…

Nikoly Drozd Tenth anniversary of pension reform in Kazakhstan, celebrated by special conference, did not cause as much enthusiasm and [...]


6 ноября, 2007

I am interested in the authority of wealth

He travels the world with the passport of a citizen of Israel.  He is a significant businessman in the country, a personal [...]


6 ноября, 2007

We are chosen and we choose

Last events in financial market interrupted several deals in Kazakhstan. Independent rating of the country has changed. Experts [...]