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16 августа, 2007

For whom are we looking?

Which professions are most sought after in the Kazakhstani labor market? In order to answer this question, we carried out a small [...]


16 августа, 2007

Kazakhstani reprivatization

Thus far, the government is leading in the fight for shares in prospective projects. It has firmly decided to enhance its position on [...]


16 августа, 2007

Kazyna: portraits talking

Kairat Kelimbetov, Chairman of Sustainable Development Fund of Kazyna: “We are the strategic headquarters for the diversification of [...]


16 августа, 2007

Entrepreneurs of all countries, unite!

The idea of uniting councils of foreign and domestic investors that was proposed during one of the Exclusive National Club of Top [...]


16 августа, 2007

Dreams of kurmangazy

Thus far, the Kazakhstani dream about huge volumes of Caspian oil has yet to materialize. A second Russo-Kazakhstani project on the [...]


16 августа, 2007

Today business participates in resolution of national issues

“The Kazyna Sustainable Development Fund, which was established created by presidential decree in March 2006, has been working for [...]


16 августа, 2007

How do you regard the idea of creating a single council of investors?

Prepared by Sophia Balakina Kairat Mazhibaev, General Director of Resmi Group LtdI consider the idea of the creation of a single [...]


16 августа, 2007

Unequal marriage

A.B. Kosherbaeva – Candidate of Economics and a Specialist at KazMunayGas Consulting As of today, 493 enterprises that include Chinese [...]


16 августа, 2007

DBK becomes bilionaire and expands fnding of economy

Within three years, the government is planning to increase the capital in the Development Bank of Kazakhstan up to $1 billion. This [...]


16 августа, 2007

The other side of dancing

In the daytime, nightclubs do not appear as they do during the night. Without the makeup of lighting and musical hypnosis, the disco [...]