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15 августа, 2007

What business wants from politics

Prepared by Dinara Shakhar 1. Do businessmen require their own political party in order to protect their interests in society2. As per [...]


15 августа, 2007

The fight against alcoholizm in America

“People consume an incredible amount of hard alcohol… The vice of drinking has never been so pervasive anywhere else in the world …” [...]


15 августа, 2007

Business gude

Aset Matayev According to the minutes of the general shareholder meeting of the state-owned Development Bank of Kazakhstan (DBK), the [...]


15 августа, 2007

New appointments

Aliya Sultanova Askar Yelemesov and Alikhan Smailov have been appointed as vice-ministers in the RK Ministry of Finance of the RK. [...]


15 августа, 2007

Weekend at Baden-wurttemberg

How chilly it is for a person being attacked by wind on all sides while standing on the platform. Shivering from cold, I try pushing my [...]


15 августа, 2007

Lord of mountain

The age of the Crusades. Success for the crusaders in Palestine was hindered both by the victories of the honorable warrior, Saladin, [...]


15 августа, 2007

The Kazakhstani government: mark of an outsider

Joking on the subject of the “new-old” government of Kazakhstan has already lost its humor. The new government has already become a [...]


6 августа, 2007

Sad surprises

Konstantin Syroejkin Every year, geopolitics has a surprise for us. The passing 2006 is not an exclusion. Its sad, and far from [...]


6 августа, 2007

Reality and formalities

 Elena Butyrina According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Economics and Budget Planning of the Republic, the growth of GDP in [...]


6 августа, 2007

The government recommends abstinence to the banks

 Elena Dudka One would agree that the past year was not calm for banks. It was rather successful and productive. In the first 11 [...]