Архивы Антресоли - Страница 416 из 454 - Exclusive


2 августа, 2007

The thorny path of the new Prime Ministerv

Dosym Satpaev It is difficult to assess the ambitions of Karim Masimov so far; however, he is very energetic. His first actions in the [...]


2 августа, 2007

The clever man Masimov or a figure of compromise in the goverment

“Exclusive” continues its “Internet-portrait” rubric. Here we present the extracts from the variety of characteristics given to [...]


31 июля, 2007

Kanat Bozumbayev, KEGOC: “National Power Grid of Kazakhstan will be technologically renovated in full”

Yaroslav Razumov — Could you outline a general condition of power sector of Kazakhstan economy for today?— Of course, it [...]


31 июля, 2007

Civilized market starts from financial discipline

 Abay Marat uly — To you opinion, what is the current situation with Kazakhstan’s electric-power industry, and what are its [...]


31 июля, 2007

Harmful conservatism

The meeting of the leaders of power producing companies of the CIS in Yalta in May, and seemingly reached agreement on creating the [...]


31 июля, 2007

Strong link

 Asel Askhatova Kazakhstan the first in CIS began a structural reform of electric power industry. And till now Kazakhstan remains [...]


31 июля, 2007

Energy of integration

 Kirill Alekseyev It is well-known fact that because of geographical location Kazakhstan has great potential to become transit [...]


31 июля, 2007

The most wasteful

 Stanislav Zhukov At some point the Soviet economy and lately the economies of the post-Soviet states have completely left out [...]


12 июля, 2007

Параллельные миры

По заказу Центра исследований и мониторинга экономики Казахстана весной этого года было проведено масштабное исследование на тему [...]


12 июля, 2007

Parallel worlds

Based on the order of the Centre of Research and Monitoring of Economy of Kazakhstan the research “Business, state authority and [...]