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6 июня, 2007

Putin has come to work on Central Asian garden beds

Dosym Satpaev   This time also, the visit of Russian President to Kazakhstan didn’t surprise anybody. Despite the declared [...]


6 июня, 2007

The great Chinese wave

Yaroslav Razumov The Chinese issue is now experiencing its second appearance in Kazakhstan’s media. It was very topical for the first [...]


6 июня, 2007

Tokaev’s story

Sophya Balakina Kasym-Zhomart Kemeluly Tokaev He was born on 17 March 1953 in Alma-Ata. Graduated from Moscow State Institute of [...]


6 июня, 2007

Adventures of people of Kazakhstan in Tibet

Aleksey Goncharov (photo by author) — I know that you are a journalist, and the presence of foreign journalists in Tibet without [...]


6 июня, 2007

Society should take part in management

Dosym Satpaev   — In your opinion, how do the people of Kazakhstan perceive large and medium-sized business? — As far [...]


6 июня, 2007

Scott Nauman, “Exxon Mobil”: The humanity has not exploited even half of the world’s oil reserves

Yaroslav Razumov   This interesting document is not directly related to Kazakhstan, even though the year mentioned is almost [...]


6 июня, 2007

Difficult tour

E.Y. Sadovskaya, candidate of science in philosophy, expert of the independent research council on migration in CIS and Baltic states [...]


6 июня, 2007

Business guide

• Kanat Saudabaev was appointed Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan and was released from the post of Ambassador [...]


6 июня, 2007

Kazakhstan in World News: April to May 2007

Prepared by company Kazakhstan Newsline   General News Iran and Kazakhstan discuss expansion of Mutual Ties IRNA (April 20, 2007) [...]


6 июня, 2007

The time of “Borjomi” is over? Time for “Ayurveda”…

Sophya Balakina   Tourism entered the plans of the government in the yearly years of independence. Now the industry is given a [...]