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8 мая, 2007

“We invite Kazakhstan companies to shift their accent from the West towards one of the major world financial centers Hong Kong and its stock market”

Mr. Usen Suleimenov, Consul General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, answers to our questions   – [...]


8 мая, 2007

Казахстан и ООН: взаимодействие во имя мира, безопасности и развития

2 марта с. г. исполнилось 15 лет с момента принятия на 46-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеей ООН резолюции, утвердившей членство нашей [...]


8 мая, 2007

HSBC Group: global knowledge and local expertise

The HSBC Group is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world. The Group has around 10,000 offices in [...]


18 апреля, 2007

"Society of users" of "crowd of dummies"?

Kirill Alekseev What is the situation in Kazakhstan? It appears that assessing this condition is very difficult. On one hand we see a [...]


18 апреля, 2007

Business Guide

Prepared by Aliya Sultanova Murat Zhurinov was appointed as non-staff science advisor to the Prime-Minister of RK (Republic of [...]


18 апреля, 2007

“Terra incognito” of Turkmenistan

Yaroslav Razumov — Turkmenistan is still more or less “terra incognito”, not only for distant countries, but also for its [...]