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Exclusive in English

12 декабря, 2023

Kazakh economy grows 4.9 percent in first nine months of 2023 

Kazakhstan’s economy grew by 4.9 percent in the first nine months of 2003, mainly thanks to the extracting sector, according to a [...]


11 декабря, 2023

Kazakh, Uzbek, Tajik governments plan steps to avert water crisis  

On Monday the Kazakh government announced a plan aimed at ensuring the country’s water security amid predictions that climate change [...]


11 декабря, 2023

Civil freedom shrinks globally – Turkmenistan remains worst among bad 

The year 2023 has seen a global shrinking of civil freedoms, with almost a third of the world’s population now being denied any civil [...]


11 декабря, 2023

Russia today: when a criminal becomes a hero

In 2014, the former police officer Sergei Khadzhikurbanov was sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in the 2006 murder of Anna [...]


8 декабря, 2023

Putin goes for another term – Russia isn’t ready to reimagine itself

Putin on Friday announced his intention to run for a fifth term. Because in Russia they say that one mustn’t change horses in [...]


8 декабря, 2023

Kyrgyz activist detained for opposing plan to change national flag

Kyrgyz authorities on Friday detained activist Aftandil Jorobekov, one of the staunchest opponents of the government’s plan to change [...]


8 декабря, 2023

Government completes takeover of ArcelorMittal assets in Kazakhstan

The Kazakh government has completed the takeover of steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal’s mining and metal enterprise in the country, the [...]


7 декабря, 2023

Turkmen farmers sow wheat in unharvested cotton fields to keep to official timetable

Cotton harvesting isn’t over in Turkmenistan, but farmers are already sowing wheat in the same fields to comply with the official [...]


7 декабря, 2023

ArtIShok theatre’s new production wonders: What is the “New Kazakhstan”?

Almaty’s oldest independent theatre ArtIShok is making the town of Konayev the subject of its upcoming new production. Konayev is the [...]


7 декабря, 2023

Sobering truth — survey shows Kazakhs happy with authoritarian rule

A majority of Kazakhs don’t mind authoritarian rule and don’t believe that honest elections can improve their lives, according to [...]